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Cafe Design Trends 2022 (COVID Considered)

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Coffee Shop Design in the Socially-Distant Future

For years, coffee shops have helped form communities & enable social gathering; they have been places where people meet to chat, work, read, and collaborate. With the onset of the pandemic, the traditional coffee shop and the sense of community it is known for, has changed forever. 

Coffee is the world's second-most traded commodity after crude oil, generating an estimated $225 billion in revenue in the U.S. alone. With more than 2.25 billion cups consumed daily, it is safe to say that the coffee industry is essential. COVID-19, however, spared no industry. Research by World Coffee Portal claims that 92% of coffee shop operators surveyed had to temporarily close at some point in 2020. When open, many were also forced to adapt in new or unexpected ways: 70% switched to takeaway, 67% limited their trading hours, and 57% reduced their menus. For many in the coffee sector, this meant a drop in footfall and consequently in sales. 

What is the future of the ‘coffee’ shop?

Coffee is said to be recession-proof. The loose theory being that we are so addicted that it is the absolute last thing we’ll sacrifice even during hard times. Despite worldwide lockdowns, most of us managed to get our daily coffee fix, be it through home-brewing or grabbing takeaway coffee from the local café. But does the benefit of this irrational dependency on coffee extend to coffee shops? 

A survey conducted with over 1,000 consumers during and after COVID-19 lockdown explored changes in the consumption habits that have become prevalent in the coffee and coffee shop industry. 18% of respondents invested in coffee making equipment during the lockdown, 47% of respondents indicated they would visit coffee shops the same amount as before the lockdown, and 22% indicated they would restrict their visits for the fear of contracting the virus. However, 31% responded that they intended to visit coffee shops more, largely because they missed going to coffee shops, and to support their local coffee shops. Even though it is possible to make coffee at home, for many people going to a coffee shop is about more than just what they consume, it's about the atmosphere and the people at the coffee shop.

To address this, coffee shop owners are pivoting business models and rising to the challenge. We have witnessed newer models that include takeaway coffee, outdoor seating, selling coffee beans and coffee-making equipment online, and increased investment in their brand and online presence. But besides business models, the larger question at play is “how can we make the ‘coffee shop’ safer by design?”

“There’s no doubt that coffee shop owners are in survival mode, but many have found ways to adapt their business model and explore new channels and opportunities,” says Gemma Kiernan, Head of Marketing at Marco Beverage Systems on her website. “In addition to the standard hygiene procedures like routine hand-washing, visual hand-sanitisers, and masks, some coffee shops have introduced service hacks. These include takeaway hatches, click and collect service, one-way systems, and limited menus.”

The future of coffee shop design

The experience of the ‘coffee shop’ starts the moment you enter and doesn’t stop until you leave. A large part of providing a good experience is making sure customers feel safe and relaxed. Even after coffee shops have reopened and vaccines have been distributed, Covid-19 will likely be on people’s minds for a while. This means that tables should still be spaced out, staff should keep wearing face masks or PPE, and social distancing and other hygiene protocols should still be encouraged. Further, hands-free equipment can be used to minimize the number of customer touchpoints in the coffee shop. 

cafe floor plan north carolina m ramseur associates

In addition to surface and droplet transmission, coronavirus disease is now recognized as an airborne infection. As a result, ventilation systems should be checked to ensure they are working efficiently and not contaminating other areas of the building. If ventilation is inadequate, the indoor air should be filtered to remove aerosol droplets and other harmful airborne particles. This can be done with portable air purifiers that filter the air with HEPA 13 filters. There is also a greater focus on outdoor spaces. Aside from reducing the risk of airborne transmission, outdoor dining also helps make up for revenue lost due to socially distant seating.

While taking advantage of the low-touch economy & technological advances, successful coffee shops will still maintain a fundamentally human approach. Understanding customer preferences will remain crucial – 40% of industry leaders surveyed by Allegra indicate consumer data capture is the greatest benefit of coffee shop loyalty apps. With 41% of consumers surveyed deterred by in-store queues of five or more, pre-ordering is another important facet of seamless in-store transactions. In addition, pickup windows are increasingly gaining popularity. Delivery and pickup windows allow fast service and limit customer contact.

3D Rendering Cafe Front Counter M Ramseur & Associates

Aside from safety and hygiene, customers seek experiences that provide respite from the stresses of everyday life in the COVID era. the National Restaurant Association estimates that about two-thirds of consumers (63%) would rather spend money on an experience than a product. Small luxuries and a thoughtful interior are important to help make a business stand out. To be successful, a coffee shop needs an interior that engages and communicates its brand: character, story, and ethos. Some noteworthy design trends include – embracing openness & decongesting the floor plan, bringing the greens indoors (in the form of planters, living walls et al.) and ‘instagramable’ design elements to engage the social media generation.

3D Rendering of the Cafe Front Counter

Communities worldwide have become increasingly eclectic thanks to the Internet, and that eclecticism can be seen in decor trends for cafes as well. No matter how you feel about it, social media isn't going anywhere - and it's an increasingly important factor in a business's success. Adding in certain design elements, like a bold text on top or an outdoor mural that lends itself to being photographed, can really boost your marketing efforts for a relatively low cost. 

With regard to the latest trends in cafe design, the old adage, less is more, holds true. Minimalist restaurant designs eliminate distractions and increase engagement.  Reducing loud colours & furniture, it is possible to create distinctive moods and ambience in a restaurant with strategically placed and timed lighting. The use of colour and dimming options can enhance its character and provide different lighting configuration to suit different parts of the restaurant.

Though cafe design is experiencing rapid changes at this time, some basic principles remain constant. They always enjoy good coffee & food, and if planned the right way, it is possible to create an environment that is unique and appealing, to keep your customers hooked. We, at M Ramseur & Associates, PLLC, believe that achieving functional & aesthetic greatness is more than just designing a building or place – it’s about making a difference in everyday lives. For more creative architecture solutions, contact us!

"If you have a space, we have an idea." - M Ramseur & Associates, PLLC



"How Can Coffee Shops Draw Customers Back After Covid-19?". Perfect Daily Grind, 2021,

(COVID-19), Coronavirus et al. "Will Coffee Shop Culture Survive COVID-19?". Webmd, 2021,

"What The Future Holds For The Coffee Industry Post COVID-19 | QSR Magazine". QSR Magazine, 2021,

How To Make Your Coffee Shop Covid-19 Friendly - Marco Beverage Systems Ltd. (2021). Retrieved 20 August 2021, from


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